Museum of the village Vianden

Museum of the village Vianden

Not to be missed
Museum of the village Vianden

The new museum concept allows its visitors to immerse in various themes. Supported by music and lots of artifacts, it’s being explained historical and cultural facts about Vianden, its inhabitants, its enterprises and its humor.


Entrance Fee
Adults 3 €
Children (6 - 12 ans) 1,50 €
Children (< 6 ans) Free
Groups min 15 people (Adults) 2 €
Groups min 15 people (Children) 1 €
Luxembourg Card Free


A special selection

  • Bakery of the 50's
  • Vianden froem the Celts up to today
  • Edmond de la Fontaine, called "Dicks"
  • Vaudeville

Our Opening times

Saturday - Sunday 1 to 5 pm

96-98, Grand-Rue L-9410 VIANDEN Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Contact details

+352 83 45 91

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Tourism Office 1A, Rue du Vieux Marché, 9419 Vianden

Opening times